“My child isn’t my easel to paint on Nor my diamond to polish. My child isn’t my trophy to share with the world Nor my badge of honor. My child isn’t an idea, an expectation, or a fantasy Nor my reflection or legacy. My child isn’t my puppet or a project Nor my striving or desire. My child is here to fumble, stumble, try, and cry Learn and mess up Fail and try again; Listen to the beat of a drum, faint to our adult ears And dance to a song that revels in freedom. My task is to step aside Stay in infinite possibility, Heal my own wounds, Fill my own bucket And let my child fly.”

Dr. Shefali Tsabary 

Being a parent is not easy, even when your newborn, small toddler or young child was born as a result of a very desired and planned conception. Even when the best of intentions and efforts are placed, often times it is not enough.

You are not alone, and it is OK to feel challenged and frustrated, especially as a new parent.

We live in a time in humankind where possibly for the first time a high number of children are being conceived in conscious awareness. Meaning, more and more first time parents are on a spiritual path and simultaneously have chosen to become parents and are excited to share this path with their children.  Yet your identity as a new mother or father is a construct, is a process that gradually you BEcome, you come into, and having support along the way can be of great value, especially when you are conscious that a new parenting paradigm is possible. A new parenting paradigm rooted in love, in the understanding that young children are BEINGS in their own right, and that you do not need to mold them into a particular shape or form, through endless negation, suppression of their emotions, or even having to resort to violent disciplining.

These are exciting and pivotal times. The acceleration that we are experiencing is a result of that. But these are also challenging times because a lot of us will raise the next generation in ways possibly very different from our own upbringing.

Are you wishing to raise your children free from your own personal wounds, free from your unattended needs, or frustrated dreams, even unmet expectations?

Part of this journey requires a revision of your own inner child wounds so that these do not become the compass in your parenting style. At the same time, this is our opportunity to break the endless cycles of violence and suffering that have been transmitted from generation to generation, even when every parent/every ancestor aspired to do the best they could. The time is now, the resources and the tools are here, available for us to transcend and transform radically through conscious parenting. 

For now, below are some resources for you to unravel so that you can become more familiar with what the latest sciences share regarding the processes of early childhood development.  In the meantime, I am here as a companion through these early years as a parent, to offer you support in raising fully emotionally connected, independent, loving and resilient children.

Some resources for families

Resources in English

https://soundcloud.com/zerotothree ("Little Kids and Big Questions" great podcast with a variety of topics on nurturing care and attachment parenting in the early years) check also https://www.zerotothree.org/parenting


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2XqdIHEq2mxDp82LoJTb4kauwKkk5z2h (Videos on Conscious Parenting by Dr. Shefali)







https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZlqbW2CrfU (Jean Liedloff talking about the "Continuum Concept")

Since 2005 I have been working for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) and from 2013 onwards, as International Consultant for UNICEF, WHO/PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), Plan International, and RET (Refugee Education Trust). I am available also for consultancy work, virtual events, podcasts and conferences.